A Midnight Complaint

I don't really care about all these 'sandwich generation' things
I am suffering financially and mentally, yet I need to put my angel face in front of everyone
pretending that there is no issue, pretending that life runs as usual

I put everyone's expectations on my shoulder and my head every now and then
Now I'm ready to explode

I am no longer aware of what I do really want
I have been too busy becoming a people pleaser
On a night like this, with blacked eyes and a tired look in my face,
I am screaming loud inside. Breaking all the silence a Thursday night could offer.

I love my beloved ones but that seems not enough
And I hate people laughing at something I could not afford for
And I hate how people belittling anything, anything that my wallet could scream out loud

I hate it

But what can I do?

Seems I have been trying to live by the standard beyond mine
I am just tired
I am sick of people laughing and smiling at things they put price tags on
I just want to live as low as possible
avoiding unnecessary attention, shutting down my 'nice' mode
just keep it all to myself
I just want to perceive my sanity, out of this crazy world.

Oftentimes, people laugh at me
But I don't get the jokes, I can't see any funny thing
The world just keeps going on, without showing a little mercy on me
And here I am, in the middle of the night, talking to myself about being sane
But I think, I am an inch close to the insanity

I keep writing codes as an escape. But this can't go on and on.

'Life is like a box of chocolate'

Well, mine is not always the box of chocolate

I am wondering what I am going to get tomorrow
Do I get any?

I want to stop the time for a while, 
just to do nothing, clearing up my cache

I am at the point where I do not want to expect any further.
Just, no surprises please*

*Radiohead - No Surprise


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