I Want to See Your Smile

I really don't care of how rude people could be
I don't care how shitty my boss treats me every single day
I don't care how people slams at me and embarrass me if I don't get their memo
I don't care how cruel world could be lately
I don't care how depressed I might be
I don't care how clueless my life could be
I don't care how tears crawling down my cheek like a heavy rain
I don't care how cloudy my day could be
I just don't care how worst it could be

at the end of the day,
It is you I want to see
It is you I want to see
It is you I want to see

when you smile, suddenly all the problems I have at that very day, gone
Your smile is like aspirin
It could wipe my fear, my sorrow, my painful feeling immediately
I couldn't be more grateful that you are willing to stay, sit next to me, and calm me down
I couldn't imagine what my life would be if you leave me
I could be a soulless body walking

I could be hurt indeed
I beg you one thing and one thing only: don't leave me.
I, desperately, need you


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