Dear Man in the Mirror

Dear man in the mirror,
You look pathetic tonight
I mean your life sucks as always but you truly pathetic tonight
your eyes just dried
and it looks awful
Your life sucks
Your bosses don't like you
Your old friend backstabbed you
Your teammate hates you for being loner
You're practically alone at the moment

I mean, can it be worse?
Life just don't like you at the moment
You disappointed your loved one
You ruined everything
Why do you even live?

Dear man in the mirror,
I want to break your mirror
so you can no longer live in pain

You're just... pathetic.

And I hate you the way I hate myself.

The problem is
I really want to kill you
but it means, I have to die too.

You're just... pathetic.

You don't deserve anything. Anything.


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