
Postingan Sambat 20240903

Di sudut bangku A&W Saya tercenung. Terpikir mengenai arus uang yang selalu keluar. Reels Instagram dipenuhi dengan rekomendasi hotel dan paket liburan. Begitu pun dengan DM istri yang dipenuhi dengan review hotel dan tempat liburan eksotis lainnya.  Sementara di lamunan Saya, ada beberapa kompartemen. Di kompartemen satu ada satuan tugas neuron yang mencari cara untuk bisa mendapatkan uang tambahan untuk membiayai tugas dinas luar kota saya di akhir September. Di kompartemen dua ada aliran darah yang deras dipompa ke otak menyiasati biaya pulang kampung untuk menghadiri wisuda. Di kompartemen tiga, ada memori guratan kecewa pada wajah Istri Saya yang kehilangan kepercayaan atas janji liburan yang saya berikan. Himpitan berbeda pun tersaji di kompartemen lain yang tak berani Saya lihat untuk menghindari keringat yang kian tercampur dengan air mata yang mendetail di pipi. Pedih. Nafas kian sesak dan seluruh suara dalam raga Saya memaki tanpa ragu. Duhai Yang Maha, ke manakah kiranya

Sandwich Generation My Ass

I don't consider myself part of this hype: sandwich generation. How come I become part of this mass whining, pointing sandwich as the scapegoat and labelling all this pain with it. I don't have any sandwiches to feed. I'm broke as fuck. Yet, people around me like stacking their problems on my shoulder. My brain has to work harder than ever to find any other source of income as the existing one won't pay the bills. Ceremonies. Oh, that's the worse. It costs me a lot of money for crap nonsense. I cannot take this anymore. Living with debt I shouldn't have taken. Pile of debts to finance all the luxuries of Instagram stories. Crap! Somebody take me out of this rat race! Everyone smiles. Smile, you pain-in-the-arses! I'm reaching the bottom of my credit card's leftovers. I'm squeezing my fuckin' brain off for another coin. I'm broke haha! I'm fucking broke haha! Every single person still talks about money. About how expensive a bag is. About

A Reminder for Everyone: Be Sceptical!

Mengingat perkembangan akhir-akhir ini ketika kita banyak disuguhkan data dan visualisasi yang terdistorsi, ada semacam kewajiban moral dan intelektual untuk mengingatkan kita semua untuk tidak langsung tersilaukan oleh pernyataan-pernyataan yang megklaim merupakan produk dari analisis dan pengolahan data. Penggunaan terminologi yang tidak pada tempatnya (dan bahkan cenderung abusive ) seperti big data dan machine learning harus dikritisi habis-habisan, tidak peduli siapapun yang menggunakan istilah-istilah tersebut. Seringkali saya pribadi jumpai penggunaan tidak pada tempatnya atas istilah-istilah tersebut dilakukan oleh orang-orang yang bahkan tidak mengerti apa 'big data' atau 'machine learning' itu sendiri.  Belum lagi produk yang diklaim berasal dari so-called data analysis  seringkali digunakan sebagai justifikasi pembentukan opini publik atau bahkan lebih parah lagi:  policy . Kental dengan bias dan conflict   of interest .  Trust me, I've seen enough. Sej

A Midnight Complaint

I don't really care about all these 'sandwich generation' things I am suffering financially and mentally, yet I need to put my angel face in front of everyone pretending that there is no issue, pretending that life runs as usual I put everyone's expectations on my shoulder and my head every now and then Now I'm ready to explode I am no longer aware of what I do really want I have been too busy becoming a people pleaser On a night like this, with blacked eyes and a tired look in my face, I am screaming loud inside. Breaking all the silence a Thursday night could offer. I love my beloved ones but that seems not enough And I hate people laughing at something I could not afford for And I hate how people belittling anything, anything that my wallet could scream out loud I hate it But what can I do? Seems I have been trying to live by the standard beyond mine I am just tired I am sick of people laughing and smiling at things they put price tags on I just want to live as l

Convert Epoch Time to Datetime in Python

import datetime epoch_time =  1541290680 result_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch_time) print(result_datetime)  # prints 2018-11-04 12:18:00 or alternatively, if you're in rush, head to online epoch converter here code source:

Word Wrapping in Google Colab using textwrap

  import textwrap wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=40, initial_indent=" " * 4, subsequent_indent=" " * 4, break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False) print( wrapper.fill (string)) source

Using dict.get()

dict.get()  is used to get the value of an item in a given dictionary using its key (see W3Schools for further reference). Why do we use e this method? We can access the item value just by calling its key directly, can't we? (e.g. dict[key]) I think the main advantage of this method is we can actually check whether or not a key exists in the given dictionary without having the hassle of getting an error returned if the key does not exist. How come? dict.get()  accepts two parameters: the key itself and ... the value   (optional).  The value  will return a specified value if the key we look for does not exist in the dictionary. Example: Suppose we have a dictionary, namely d, as follows: d = {'a': 1, 'b':2, 'c':3} Suppose we would like to get the value of an item with key = 'z'.  d['z'] will raise an error due to the fact that there is no item in the dictionary d whose key is 'z'.  Now, if we apply dict.get() as follows:  dict.get(